Rants from the Upper Percentile

I have something to say, dammit!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Just Another Night...

Well, I haven't got much to say, but I do want to keep this blog going. Therefore, I'm going to ramble on a bit about this 'n that.

I've been noticing these last few years, that I'm a bit bi-polar. But not in the normally accepted sense. What is now called bi-polar, used to be known as manic-depressive. I'm of a different flavor. My mood pendulum's between two opposite ends of a scale. On one end, I'm social and gregarious. The life of the party. I need to be the center of attention. At the other end, I'm a hermit. I neither want or need interactions with others. I don't quite know how to classify it. "Manic" definitely comes close to one end, but how do I define the other? Its not depressive. Anti-social may be the most accurate description.

I'm quite happy about the whole thing, really. At no time am I ever depressed about it. It does have a tendency to confound my friends, but once they have an understanding of what's going on in my head, they're pretty cool about it. I don't make a big deal about it usually.

I'm wondering if there are certain triggers that accelerate the swings. I was at a convention a couple of months ago. A very crowded convention. I don't have any doubt that the massive crowds pushed me into my anit-social phase. From that point I withdrew from all my friends and contacts. I think I may be coming out of it towards the social end. Maybe this blog is an indicator.

So much for now. More tomorrow.


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