Rants from the Upper Percentile

I have something to say, dammit!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Q-Ray is Bogus!

It always seemed to me that false-advertising was illegal here in the US. Along with CortiSlim and magnet therapy, the Q-Ray Bracelet ranks right up there with snake-oil and quack medicine.

According to their own claim, "The Q-Ray Ionized Bracelet is made with Bio-Metal that offers a natural and effective method to increase one's bio-energy, vitality, and feelings of well-being". Now, they're either ignorant of what ionization is, or they're banking that its the public that is ignorant. And what the diddly ding-dong crap is "Bio-Metal"? Its pseudo sci-gibberish, that's what it is.

It finally took a U.S. District Judge to rule on the Q-Ray Bracelet claim. Other preposterous claims abound around the Q-Ray.

The really sad thing about this is that the general public is so easy to bilk and bamboozle. Critical thinking is just not their strong point.
And THEY know it!


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