Rants from the Upper Percentile

I have something to say, dammit!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Old Movies I Remember

I grew up in the Los Angeles area. One of the things I remember in the early to mid 60's was a television show on Friday nights. It was called "Chiller", and it showed old sci-fi and horror B-Movies. There was no host that I remember, just the opening Chiller sequence (dripping letters) and then the movie of the week. I first saw "House on Haunted Hill", "The Crawling Eye", and other classic horror movies.

There are a couple of movies that I remember from that time that I've never seen since and I can't remember the titles of...

The first one is a sci-fi flick about a spaceflight to either the moon or Mercury. I'm not sure which. The astronauts were beset upon by these "rock men" that seemed to reside in niches on rock/cliff faces. I also seem to remember that the astronauts pointed out that because there was no atmosphere, shadows were completely black. One of them demonstrated it by walking into a rock shadow, thereby completely disappearing.

The other movie was in the horror genre. The monster of this one was a walking tree with a knife embedded in it's chest. It seems that some native criminal was entombed in a hollow tree, and somehow he/it came back to life and animated the tree. At the end of the flick, the hero fired a rifle at the knife, forcing it into the monster's heart and killed it.

Can anyone out there point me to the proper titles of these old movies?


  • At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Eye remember that freakin movie scared the crap outta me.
    Hey man thanks for keeping all the good stuff from my teens alive.
    We had a fairly large group of (park people) here in Fort Worth, Texas. Trinity park was the place to meet up with like minded folks.
    We had (Spirit of the Rebirth of America) great headshop where I first discovered Zap- etc...
    Love the no profit motive approach.


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