Rants from the Upper Percentile

I have something to say, dammit!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So Much To Choose From...

I started this blog as a general area for me to comment on life, links, and stuff in general. Some things catch my eye. Some things piss me off. Some things make me laugh. And some things just make me shake my head.

First off, I'm not shy about my intelligence. The probability of my being smarter than you is pretty high. Don't believe it? Don't care. I've gotten pretty cynical, too.

Here's an item...

Americans just aren't reading anymore. I don't mean the daily politico-news. Reading for entertainment purposes. A novel, book, short-stories, fiction, non-fiction. I had my first trip to the public library when I was four. By the time I reached the fifth grade, I felt guilty about asking my parents for money to buy books with. Just a few years ago, one of my long time friends told me he doesn't read. He hates to read. It just blew my mind. I had a hard time with the concept of book avoidance. I still don't fully understand it.