Rants from the Upper Percentile

I have something to say, dammit!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Sci-Fi Channel?

What is up with the Sci-Fi Channel? I've got two issues with them...

First of all, their "Sci-Fi Original Movies" are real stinkers. This first came to my attention when they came out with the movie "Raptor Island". I was really set for this one. Boy, was I horribly disappointed. I won't even touch on the script or the acting. The dinosaurs, computer generated, were horrible. The design was amateurish, the movement all wrong, and when they were shot with a variety of weapons, you'd see a fuzzy splash of blood. But no wound, and the creatures never even reacted to being shot. That was the first "Sci-Fi Original Movie" that I ever saw. I've seen 4 or 5 since then, and they've all been that bad or worse. I won't even bother with 'em anymore.

The second problem I've got with the Sci-Fi Channel is this wrestling thing. Did I miss something? Well sure, I know that showboat wrestling is completely scripted and choreographed, but I didn't think it qualified as science fiction. I just gotta shake my head at this.


  • At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I totally agree!!!


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