Rants from the Upper Percentile

I have something to say, dammit!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dream Home

I always figured that if you were going to wish for something, there's no sense in being cheap about it. A few months ago, the news was showing an old Titan missile complex for sale. Living underground has always appealed to me, and I thought that this would make a super dig if I had the scratch to do it right.

Just recently, I started thinking about it again, and looked around the interwebs a bit. I found a old layout of just such a complex. Wow, this was more than I had expected. But hey, I'm wishing here, right?

What is showing here are three major sections of the silo. I can find use for all of them. I'm going to start here with the actual silo itself. First off, I don't want the missile. In its place I want a floor elevator. I'd have a large garage/barn type building over the silo built. I'd use the silo as a vehicle storage & workshop. Typically, I'd drive my car/truck/trailer into the "barn". From there, the floor would lower into the silo and stop at whatever level I want to to keep that particular vehicle.

Having multiple workshops there (lower levels) makes it fairly easy to move equipment into, and out of the silo. I would have a woodworking level, electronics level, chemistry level, and a general vehicle mechanics level. There would probably be others, too. I just can't think of them at the moment. Hmm, maybe a couple of levels devoted to keeping various parts and junk that I might find useful later. I'm a bit of a pack-rat, too.

This center section has me a bit stumped as to what I can do with it. The tall section with all the stairways obviously has an surface elevator, so that will probably prove useful. Maybe I could use it to move visiting guests into my complex. It might also be useful if I converted it into guest rooms. One to a floor. That looks like it will make three additional guest quarters.

The section behind it is where I would put the kitchen and utility areas. With the space involved, it would be one helluva kitchen. There's still lots of space for the washer and dryer.

This last area is going to be my main living quarters. And it won't be quite as spartan as being shown here. The top floor is going to be the master bedroom, complete with walk-in closets and a full bathroom, shower, and whatever else I can put in there.

The center floor I may divide into two areas. The living room would take half of the floor, and the other half is going to be my theater.

The lowest floor is going to be a bit hidden. I don't want friends and family wandering down there. At least, not uninvited. This is going to be my library and command center. Hey, if I'm going to be this elaborate, I'm going to have all kinds of security cameras and anti-personnel defense set up, too.

These floors will be accessible through a central elevator. There will also be a stairway winding around the outer wall.

I'm not going to go into the water, power, data, and sewage. I don't wish to think about them at the moment. In my dream house, all of these things already exist and work perfectly.